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HomePersonal developmentTazkiyyah series Part 4: Long hopes for the world

Tazkiyyah series Part 4: Long hopes for the world

It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “The heart of an old man is young in the love of two things: Love of life and much wealth.” 

‏ “‏ قَلْبُ الشَّيْخِ شَابٌّ فِي اثْنَتَيْنِ ‏:‏ فِي حُبِّ الْحَيَاةِ وَكَثْرَةِ الْمَالِ ‏”‏ 

Sahih Bukhari (6420), Muslim (1046), Ibn Majah Vol. 1, Book 37, Hadith 4233

The hadith shows that our heart and body age differently – how many a young body is sincere in seeking out its Lord while how many an old body still clings on in its attachment to the world. 

Isn’t it amazing that Shaytan was able to understand this desire even in Adam (AS) – despite all the trees in Jannah, he spent many years to tempt him with what promise – a tree of eternity (Shajaratil Khuld) and possession that will not perish (Mulkin laa yablaa) – Surah Taha 20:120

Muhammad ibn abi Tawbah reports that Ma’ruf called the iqamah and ushered me to lead “Go ahead, Go ahead”. Muhammad replied “If I were to lead in this prayer, I won’t lead in another”. So Ma’ruf said to him “And you are telling yourself that you will live to pray another prayer” We seek Allahs protection from habing hope in a long life, for it prevents from performing the best of deeds.”

[At Targhib wa al-Tarhim Qawwam al Sunnnah vol 1)

Ali (RA) would say “What I fear the most for you are 2 things:

  • Hope in a long life as it makes you forget about the Hereafter
  • Following hawa as it blocks you from following the truth” [Az-Zuhd, Ahmad ibn Hanbal p.107)

Zayd ibn Thabit reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoevers primary concern is about the world, Allah will disorder his affairs, make poverty appear before his eyes, and he will not get anything from the world but what has been decreed for him. Whoevers primary concern is about the Hereafter, Allah will settle his affairs, make him content in his heart, and the world will reluctantly come to him.” [Sunan Ibn Mājah 4105]

This does not conflict with having long-term goals for Allah(SWT) such as memorising Qur’an or doing a khayr. As the Prophet (SAW) said “If the Final Hour comes while you have a shoot of a plant in your hands and it is possible to plant it before the Hour comes, you should plant it.” Adab al Mufrad, Book 27, Hadith 4

And this attachment is the same with people. Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Love whom you love mildly, perhaps he will become hateful to you someday. Hate whom you hate mildly, perhaps he will become your beloved someday.” Sunan al-Tirmidhī 1997

Jabir ibn Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Gabriel, upon him be peace, said to me: O Muhammad, live as you wish for you will surely die, love whom you wish for you will surely part with them, and act as you wish for you will surely see its results.” Source: Shu’ab al-Imān lil-Bayhaqī 10057

And we have seen this in the last 2 days of taraweeh – two days ago we heard how Nuh(AS) prepared the Ark and the heavens have opened and he calls his son to join them, but he disobeys and is drowned before him. He is then reminded – he is not from your family.

The likeness of me and you and the likeness of this world is like people travelling through a dusty desert, who do not know whether what they have traversed is more than what is to come. Their mounts are weary, provisions depleted and they collapse in the desert certain they will die there. While in this state, a man in a robe with his head dripping with water comes to them so they say this man has come from some countryside. He asks them what their problem is and they share their despair. He sas “What wll you do for me, if I bring you water and green meadows” They reply “We surrender judgement to you.” 

“You promise that you will pledge to me and not disrobey me?” And they do.

He takes them to green meadows and fresh water and they remain therein for a short time. Then he says “Come, lets move to lusher meadows and even fresher water” But most of them refuse, while some remember their promise, and a few leave with him and do arrive at greener meadows and fresher water. Meanwhile, an enemy comes to the others in the night, and they are either killed or captured” (Amthal al-Hadith p59 quoted from Ibn al-Mubaraks Kitab az-Zuhd)

Yesterday, we heard the opposite – the brothers of Yusuf who attempted to kill him and sold him into slavery without any concern, when he’s reunited with them a generation later and he is in authority – he says “No revenge/blame on you today. May Allah forgive you! He is the Most Merciful of the merciful!

قَالَ لَا تَثْرِيبَ عَلَيْكُمُ ٱلْيَوْمَ ۖ يَغْفِرُ ٱللَّهُ لَكُمْ ۖ وَهُوَ أَرْحَمُ ٱلرَّٰحِمِينَ ٩٢

When we deposit all of our time, love and identity in this world, how can we desire anything beyond it? Story of the outstanding builder who reached retirement and his boss insisted he make one last house. He rushed it, eager to rest, and on completion, was gifted it by his own boss. So he rued the fact he had not invested in his real home, similar to us with our investment in the Akhira.

They came across a blind man, on whom Prophet ‘Īsā would use his God-given ability to cure the blind. He passed his hand over the blind man’s eyes, imploring Allāh to cure them, and at once, his vision was restored. This amazed the companion, to whom Prophet ‘Īsā asked, “I ask you in the name of the One who cured this man, what happened to the third loaf of bread?” The companion said: “I swear they were only two loaves of bread.” Again, choosing not to investigate any further, Prophet ‘Īsā continued on his journey.

Imam al-Tabari in his Tafsīr, relates that a man from Bani Isrā’īl once approached Prophet ‘Īsā requesting to accompany him on his travels, to which Prophet ‘Īsā agreed. During their travels, Prophet ‘Īsā noticed that their lunch – three loaves of bread – had been reduced to two. When he asked his travel companion about this, the latter responded, “I swear they were only two loaves of bread.” Choosing not to investigate any further, Prophet ‘Īsā continued on his journey.

Next, they arrived at a river. The companion asked Prophet ‘Īsā, “How will we cross it?” Prophet ‘Īsā told him to say Bismillāh, “In the name of Allāh,” and to follow him. His companion was baffled, and so Prophet ‘Īsā asked him, “I ask you in the name of the One who helped us cross this river, what happened to the third loaf of bread?” The companion responded, “I swear they were only two loaves of bread.”

When they reached the other side of the river, Prophet ‘Īsā gathered three heaps of soil and asked Allāh to convert them into gold, and Allāh answered. The companion of Prophet ‘Īsā asked him, “Who do they belong to?” to which ‘Īsā responded, “The first is for me, the second is for you, and the third belongs to the one who ate the third loaf of bread”. This time, his companion proclaimed, “I ate the third loaf!” Upon hearing this, Prophet ‘Īsā decided to give him all three piles of gold before separating himself from this man.

Shortly after Prophet ‘Īsā’s departure, three horsemen passed by the man as he stood beside his newly acquired wealth. Without a second thought, they killed him, without giving him even a moment to enjoy his riches. The three horsemen divided the wealth equally between themselves. Shaytān, however, was not too far away.

Two of the three horsemen decided to plot against the third in the hope of adding his share to theirs. The two men asked the third to fetch them some food, to which he agreed. As he returned, the whispers of the devil paid him a visit as well, and he imagined the potential of having all three piles of gold to himself. He decided to poison the food of the other two men. When he arrived with their lunch, they greeted him with a series of fatal stabbings. When they sat down to eat, they keeled over from the poison and died.

Not long after, Prophet ‘Īsā passed by and saw four corpses on the ground: his ex-companion and the three horsemen. The three piles of gold remained untouched. Prophet ‘Īsā remarked, “This is what the dunya does to people.”

Purification Series

  1. The importance of the heart 
  2. The nature of the heart
  3. Weaning off sins
  4. Take from the world what you need 


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